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wedding planners
2024/2025 local weddings start at $7,000. Portrait sessions start at $800.
Please request our Out-Of-State or Destination Wedding Packages for weddings outside of NC/DC/NYC.
Yes. We only required a flat retainer fee to reserve your date. The rest is due in full one month before your wedding. Payment plans are available upon request.
I do NOT charge travel fees for weddings in the DMV area and North Carolina. Anything outside those states might be subject to travel fees.
Wedding photo galleries take anywhere between 6-8 weeks. Session galleries take 3-4 weeks.
Weddings: We are fully prepared to capture your beautiful wedding even if it rains. We have clear umbrellas and accessories to protect our equipment.
Sessions: If the weather does not allow us to have the photoshoot, your deposit allows you to re-schedule it. However, rain sessions are some of our favorites!